Dr. Runjun Saikia
Assistant Professor, Department of Education

Department of Education
Designation - Assistant Professor
Email - runjunsaikia3@gmail.com
Education: MA, B.Ed., NET, SLET, M Phil., PhD.
Professional Experience:
* Assistant Professor at Panigaon OPD College from 2005 to till date
* School Organization
* Area of Interest: Educational Psychology, Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Ø Dr. Runjun Saikia
Ø Research Publication in Journal/ Book Chapter:
Ø Emotional Development of Adolescence And Role Of Parents; Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (An International Open Access Journal & UGC and ISSN Approved, Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journals Impact Factor:5.87); ISSN: 2349-5162;2019
Ø Value Orientation In Education: Prospects And Challenges; International Education and Research Journal, Peer-Reviewed and refereed International Journal, Impact Factor: 5.564); E-ISSN No: 2454-9916;2019
Ø Study Involvement of College Students; Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (An International Open Access Journal & UGC and ISSN Approved, Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journals Impact Factor:5.87); ISSN: 2349-5162;2019
Ø Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflicts in Assam; Ethnic Insurgency in North East India Threat to peace and Harmony,Editor:Palash Chetia; Cinnamara College Sakh Sahiya Sabha;Publication;ISBN:9789384191757,2019
Ø Assamese Culture And Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’s Song; Bharat Ratna Dr.Bhupen Hazarika( A Multifaceted Personality), Edited by: T Kalita, M. C. Nath,TTN College Publication Board, Khaga, Lakhimpur; ISBN: 978-93-84191-79-5;2019
Ø Importance of Women Education For Development of Present Society; Women Issues & Challenges during -19 pandemic covid-19 pandemic: Prospective Measures, Knowledge Publication, ISBN: 978-81-948719-0-3,2020
Ø Importance of E-Content in Education; The Sight, JD Printers & Publication,Guwahati-10, Assam; ISBN: 978-81-947664-2-1,2020
Ø Role of family in inculcating values among children; Importance of value education and role of teacher, National Seminar at Panigaon OPD College, Lakhimpur, Date: 12th &13th March, 2020
Ø Value Education for Students; International Journal of creative Research Thoughts (An International Open Access, Peer reviewed, Refereed journal ,Impact Factor:7.97); ISSN:2320-2882;2020Status of Women in India with Special Reference to Assam; International Journal Of Research Culture Society, A monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed International Research Journal, Impact Factor : 5.245; ISSN : 2456 – 6683;2020 Master List With IC Value: 86.87Impact Factor : 6.497;2020
Ø A Study On Self-Concept; International Education and Research Journal (Peer-Reviewed and refereed International Journal, Impact Factor:4.064); E-ISSN No: 2454-9916;2020.
Ø Adjustment With Respect to Health Among College Students of Nagaon District -An Overview; Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Peer-Reviewed International Scopus Index, UGC CARE-II Journal; ISSN: 1583-6258;2021
Ø “Is COVID -19 Affecting Student Performance?” Academic Achievement of College Students during COVID-19 Pandemic – An Analysis; Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry www.tojqi.net .Scopus Index, UGC CARE-II An Open Access, Peer-Reviewed, International E-Journal; E-ISSN 1309-6591;2021
Ø An Empirical Study on the Self-Concept among 10+2 Students during the COVID-19 Crisis; International Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Vol. 6 (Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Research & Innovative Studies, Nov.-Dec. 2021) Scopus Index, UGC CARE-II journal ;ISSN 0974-5823;2021
Ø Online Teaching-Learning Process during COVID-19 Pandemic in Higher Education : A Study; Education , Human development & Sustainable Growth, International Seminar, Rabindra Nath Tagore University, Hojai ; Date: 27th ,28th & 29th Nov, 2021
Ø Social Adjustment of Adolescent Students and Role of Teacher; International Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field; A Monthly Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed International Research Journal Index Copernicus Journal Master List With IC Value: 86.87Impact Factor : 6.497;2020
Ø A Study On Self-Concept; International Education and Research Journal (Peer-Reviewed and refereed International Journal, Impact Factor:4.064); E-ISSN No: 2454-9916;2020.
Ø Adjustment With Respect to Health Among College Students of Nagaon District -An Overview; Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Peer-Reviewed International Scopus Index, UGC CARE-II Journal; ISSN: 1583-6258;2021
Ø “Is COVID -19 Affecting Student Performance?” Academic Achievement of College Students during COVID-19 Pandemic – An Analysis; Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry www.tojqi.net .Scopus Index, UGC CARE-II An Open Access, Peer-Reviewed, International E-Journal; E-ISSN 1309-6591;2021
Ø An Empirical Study on the Self-Concept among 10+2 Students during the COVID-19 Crisis; International Journal of Mechanical Engineering; Vol. 6 (Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Research & Innovative Studies, Nov.-Dec. 2021) Scopus Index, UGC CARE-II journal ;ISSN 0974-5823;2021
Ø Online Teaching-Learning Process during COVID-19 Pandemic in Higher Education : A Study; Education , Human development & Sustainable Growth, International Seminar, Rabindra Nath Tagore University, Hojai ; Date: 27th ,28th & 29th Nov, 2021
Ø Assessment of the Moral Value of Students in the Context of the Classroom; International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 6 (Special issue on Advances in Technology, Education Management & Social Sciences); Scopus Index, UGC CARE-II journal; ISSN 0974-5823; V Vol. 7 (Special Issue 5, April-May 2022)
Ø A Study on the Satisfaction of Students in Higher Education Institutions; International Journal of Food Nutritional Sciences, An internationally Scholarly, Open Access UGC Care listed ( Group-1) Journal ; Vol.11,S Iss 1, 2022. e-ISSN 2320 –7876 www.ijfans.org