Yuva Tourism Club

Abhinab Nath
Coordinator, Yuva Tourism Club , Panigaon OPD College
Department : HISTORY
Contact No. : 9678151502
E-Mail: abhinabnath4@gmail.com@gmail.com
Established Year: 2022
Tourism clubs is an important aspect for promoting responsible and sustainable tourism in the country. The initiative would help in developing the right culture among the youth of the country through formulating social clubs at various academic institutions. The major objective of the proposed mission could be to:
• To educate youth about diverse cultures and geographies of the country 
• To appreciate the importance of travel and tourism in education 
• To create awareness about tourism opportunities at an early stage 
• To teach and propagate responsible tourism practises 
• To train students as skilled tourist guides and volunteers in hospitality sector 
• To facilitate better coordination for study tours and student exchange programmes
Tourism Clubs at College levels
Tourism Clubs would be encouraged at the level of Schools (Classes VII onwards) and Colleges. Each College and School to have a dedicated Tourism Club which would be headed by a Faculty and a Student Co-ordinator, responsible for functioning of the clubs. Members would consist of students with criteria of selection and limit decided by each institution. Tourism Club at this level to have minimum 25 Student Members.
Following activities at School/ College level are proposed
• Organise Competitions: Essay writing, Logo Designing, My Shot, Quiz, Painting, Poster Designing
• Inclusion of travel and tourism in curriculum. 
• Organise sustainable and responsible tours in line with the SDG agenda: Minimum impact to natural areas that conserves environment, travellers get a chance to interact with local people and to understand their culture and tradition. 
• Travel to locations in off-peak period which would help boost local tourism economy. 
• Various tournaments can be combined with tourism wherein Students can engage in tourism activities at locations.  • Discovery of a lesser-known destination with information on possible travel itineraries, nearby destinations, tourism potential, etc. 
• Feedback on social media platforms thereby marketing the Indian destinations.